RFA sees talent in students and greatly facilitates the process for both students and parents to prepare and apply to performing arts schools in the city of NY. Our son would surely not have made it into Fiorello Laguardia if it hadn’t been for the ongoing professional support and motivation. As an expression of gratitude and a show of commitment to the growing family of RFA, he will volunteer his talents while advancing his career through his stay in LaGuardia. Thank You RFA!
Parents of Danzaki B, RFA Alumni
Prior to joining the“Reaching For the Arts” program, I was very shy and self-conscious. I knew that I wanted be a performer, but I didn’t have the confidence to put myself out there. Joining the RFA choir has given me the strength, to pursue something that I really love to do. That is why RFA means so much to me. I was given the opportunity to sing in numerous places around the city, as well as Connecticut. Being able to do that has helped me not only gain confidence in myself, but taught me to follow my dreams, or any goal for that matter. It was one of the best experiences that I had in middle school, and it has inspired me to audition for performing arts high schools. With the help of RFA I was well prepared for auditions, and I am proud to say that I now attend Talent Unlimited High School. I can happily say that I still perform and it is because of the love, support, and teachings that the RFA program has given me. "
Angie T, RFA Alumni

When I came to NYC I had very little knowledge on music theory to be able to join
a Music High School. Reaching for the Arts helped me find a guitar/music theory
teacher to excel my knowledge in guitar. With dedication and support of RFA teachers and with the RFA private lessons program, within a three month time span, I was able to get into one of the best music high schools in Manhattan.”
Aiden V, RFA Alumni (Special Music School)

Our daughter, Emilie has been part of Reaching for the Arts since its conception in 2015. We cannot express how grateful we are for the voice lessons, music education, guidance, support, and care that has been given to Emilie. Reaching for the Arts is a constant force for Emilie and through their programs, Emilie has participated in concerts at Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center, Connecticut, and most recently, in the summer conservatory at “Broadway for All”. Reaching for the Arts’ passion, commitment, and guidance are priceless and should continue to remain a force for the children seeking entrance into performing arts and visual arts high schools.”